
Friday, February 20, 2015

Journey to New Zealand: There and Back Again

Bonjour, my lovelies!

Okay that sounded a little creepy... o.O Anyway, here is, finally, the final section of the recap of my journey to New Zealand. It's been a month and a half since I returned home, and it feels like ages since I was in that beautiful country - and yes, I started planning a return trip the day I got back. xD

Oh, and the title of this post: I just couldn't resist. I can't help feeling the similarities between Bilbo's journey in Middle-earth and my own to Middle-earth - though I didn't meet a live dragon nor did I lose 3 of my travelling companions. *sobs*

But we must move on before I go through all that pain again. #lifeofafangirl ;)

Before the pictures though, here's a compilation of all the video clips I took on our trip. They're all very random, and I did barely any editing to it, aaaand they're all out of order somehow, but it's fun to see my travels in a different medium. Plus I have a few of going through Hobbiton... :D

Now for those pictures!

"Our" gas station. We literally only stopped at BPs while in NZ. xD
There was just no way to capture the glorious weather and beauty on our drive to Raupehu from Welly.
Gorgeous view of Mt. Raupehu.
Adorable little sheep on the way. ^_^
Second day on our drive back to Auckland, we drove by Mount Ngauruhoe (don't even try to pronounce that), WHICH was one of the mountains used for portraying Mount Doom (Orodruin) in LOTR!!
The Waitomo Glowworm Caves!!! Very very VERY sadly, we weren't allowed to take pictures inside the caves, but let me tell you -- it was gorgeous. Probably one of the most gorgeous places on earth. Go look up pictures -- they don't do justice, but you'll get an idea.
Our last day in NZ we visited Hahei beach, and what gorgeous weather we had for it!
My sis Alissa enjoying le views.
I believe this is the back view of Cathedral Cove. I could be wrong. We didn't have time to walk down, sadly, but it was still gorgeous from the look out.
Panorama of the overlook near Cathedral Cove.
Views on the drive.

Random, rocky beach along the way...
Gorgeous sunset as we drive to the airport, the ending of my Middle-earth journey. ^_^
P.S. A little offering just for the peeps who read all the way to the end, here's the link to le photo album on my personal facebook account, featuring all 918 of those pictures I took on my NZ trip. :)


  1. Beth dear these are superb!! :D I looked though all your photos as it unfurled and they are superb! Bravo! *HUGS*

  2. Oh, my goodness! The pictures are gorgeous! Thanks for posting them. :)

  3. I LOVE your new blog design! And the pictures are gorgeous!!! I need to sort through mine. I don't think I've even looked through them yet...

  4. I literally gasped when I saw your new blog design. hahaha. its gorgeous!!! I love it!

    and oh my gosh those pictures are breathtaking! like wow. I cant even imagine how excited you must have been! its the ultimate fangirl dream. lol.

    Now I go off to look at all your pictures on facebook. mwahahaha.

  5. Wow...your post does not dampen my inner desire to travel (and live) in New Zealand! Great post! Loved the pictures!!

    Blessings -

    ~ Aspen

  6. Wow! Can I live there already? *sighs* XD

  7. Beautiful! You are so blessed to have gone there! :)

  8. Still can't get over the fact you were 2 hrs away from me! :D I wish we could have caught up but Lord Willing we will catch up some time! till then we must keep praying!

  9. This is so awesome! I live in New Zealand, so seeing people visit and love it just makes my day. Did you go to Hobbiton? I really want to at some point, it looks so cool!

    1. Oh my goodness, that is awesome!!! Yesss, what I would do to live in your gorgeous country... :D And yes -- I did visit Hobbiton!! It was absolutely surreal, and you most *definitely* should visit it. It's expensive, but totally worth it, in my humble opinion. :D Also, thank you so much for stalking my blog! hahaha ;D
