
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

My Semi-Kind-of-Ish Work Out Routine

Your first thought should be, "What? Beth works out? As if..."

Because, before a few months ago, I hate hate hate hate hated anything to do with the phrase "work out." (okay I still kind of do but that's beside the point)

Well, except horse back riding and ice skating but those are too much fun to be put in "that" category. ;) The sad thing about those, though, is the cost... SOOO I can't ride horses and skate as often as I'd like (which would be everyday if I was in control... xD).

But, I realized this was not going to happen, so I needed to come up with some other sort of enjoyable exercise (that I could do with just my laptop and my bedroom space) -- because, no, I'm not going to just "go for a jog." No. Jogging is not fun and I do not jog and that is that.

yet another reason not to jog.
So... about a year ago I discovered Blogilates. Run by a really sweet and fun girl named Cassey, she makes pilates workout videos on Youtube... and she runs a blog... hence the name: Blogilates. ;)

(Also -- it's pronounced "blog. ih. lat. ees." Not "blogh-ih-lats" like I called it for a few weeks before being corrected. xD)

Anyway, she makes these 5 to 15 minute workout videos (and she's got a bajillion of them now) of medium-difficulty pilates. Some are harder than others. But -- here's the thing. They're pretty fun. And they don't require any weights, and barely any space. AND they work your muscles so hard.

Here's the kicker: each month, Cassey releases a workout calendar that tells you exactly what videos to do each day, which simplifies everything. There's also a beginner's workout calendar, which she just updated! (hint: if you want to check out February's calendar, the password is lovebug , and just sign up for the newsletter to get next month's password!)

SO...Blogilates is great, but I still lacked that bit of "fun" aspect that I was after, for the days when I just did *not* want to work out.

Enter REFIT, who make zumba-like dance video workouts. I can't say I condone their whole channel, as some of their song choices aren't the best. BUT they have quite a few videos done to Christian and/or clean songs, which are so. stinkin'. fun. you will not even believe it. I'm currently looking around for some more dance video workouts. Or maybe I'll just make my own choreography...? Always an option. ;) Here's my youtube playlist of le favorite videos.

So, what about you guys??? Ever heard of Blogilates, or Refit? Let meh know if you like them, want to try them, or if you know of some other kind of fun exercise -- because, I'm all about the fun work outs, ya know. ;)


  1. Ooh, great for you for finding this stuff! :) I'm glad you're enjoying it. I know I at least feel really good and productive when I actually do exercise; it can be so great!
    I agree with you, though: jogging = no. So when it's summer and spring and fall and not snowy and cold I'll play badminton to get exercise. I'm a huge fan of racket sports in general (the only sports I enjoy besides soccer) since they don't require a ton of running and are more about quick thinking and reflexes, and my grandmother and I (she did it in high school and I think college and is surprisingly good) play it all the time together during the summer, which makes it double fun because it's not just with some random stranger in gym or a badminton club or something, it's someone you love and like spending time with. :)

    - Ellie

  2. I think the cute name did it for me; definitely going to be checking out blogilates. It's actually nice that you posted this; I'm trying to get healthier this year and I've been trying to think of creative things to do outside of what I started at the beginning of the year. It's nice to do different things. Reduces boredom. ;)

  3. Thanks for telling us about these! I have been meaning to get into a routine of some sort of workout besides my daily chores(I live on a farm) and these look nice because the other workouts I have found are either boring or need supplies/space that I don't have to workout in. I plan on making use of the athletic facilities when I go to college this fall, but I'm going to try this for right now. :)

    I love reading your posts!

  4. I'm impressed that you've been doing Blogilates--her workouts are rough! Between you and Danielle, Crystal and I are going to have to step up our workout game soon...or at least start it ;)
