
Monday, February 9, 2015

I Need Your Help For the #HobbitChallenge!!

"The beacons are lit. Beth calls for aid."

I need your help. You saw the previous post where I told you about the #HobbitChallenge, and now the fan voting period has arrived and you can help me and my friends win it!!! It will only take a minute, and you have no idea how much it would mean to me. Like, literally. You'd completely make my day.

The short version: click on this link here and click the "vote" box below our video. Yes, that's literally all you have to do! No signup or anything required. :D It should come up with a "Thanks for voting!" screen -- if it doesn't, try searching for AnElvenPrincess and voting from that video. :) You can vote every day for the next five days, so if you really want to be amazing you can bookmark the page and vote every day!!

Now, the long version. ;)

The video at the bottom of this post is my and a few of my friends' recreation of the "Good Morning" scene from An Unexpected Journey for the contest that The Hobbit is hosting, the Hobbit Challenge.

The gist of the Hobbit Challenge: fans had the opportunity to make a video recreating one of 3 scenes from AUJ, DOS, and BOTFA (we chose this one because of how fun it is -- and I wasn't really up for taming a dragon or dealing with ringwraiths), and then upload it to Youtube with the hashtag #HobbitChallenge and submit it on the Hobbit website. Then the videos will go through a long judging process: the first round is fan voted, which will determine the top 30 videos in each eligible country. In the 2nd round, judges will select the top 10 of those videos. The 3rd round will narrow it down to 20 finalists, one from each country. And then, of course, one winner will be chosen from those 20. And the prizes??? Ooooohhhh boy. Each of the 20 finalists will win $1,500 worth of various Hobbit memorabilia, and the grand prize winner gets a 5 day trip to New Zealand. (I can't believe I can say "been there, done that" xD) So, yeah. Pretty amazingly awesome.
Of course, our odds of winning are pretty slim. But you better believe I'm not going to give up hope until we're eliminated from the contest! I love the Holman Christian Standard translation of Colossians 3:23 - "Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men..." Ya'll, that's what I'm doing, or at least trying to do. God's going to get whatever glory I/we gain from this, whether that's just from people seeing our video on Youtube, or winning first place.

Whatever happens, I'm so glad we made this little vid because we had the absolute best time with it, and I hope you like the finished product. Now, go to this link and vote for us in the challenge and DON'T FORGET let me know that you did in the comments below so I can personally thank you!!! :D

A few last minute troubleshooting tips:

When you click "vote" a screen should come up saying "Thanks for voting!" If it doesn't, try searching for AnElvenPrincess and voting on the video that comes up there.

Also, I believe only U.S. residents will be able to vote on our video, so if the link doesn't work and searching AnElvenPrincess in the search box doesn't bring it up either, I'm thinking that would be the reason. :)


  1. You two did such a great job! It was the best one=D I voted for your clip BTW:) Wow, you two are literally the gender-bent Gandalf and Bilbo=D
    Beth, you acted so much like Gandalf; all your facial expressions and such:)
    Karis, your facial expressions were also just like Bilbo. You even sound and look like him...that's a compliment:)
    Love your outfits:)

    1. Thanks so much, Sarah, for everything!!! You are way too sweet. I can say for both Karis that we're very happy you think we acted/looked/sounded like Gandalf and Bilbo. I think only Hobbit fans can appreciate that!! ;D :D

  2. Okay, I think I voted for it. You and your friend did such a good job!

    I clicked the button VOTE, but nothing came up. Does it just take it or should something pop up?

    1. Thanks so much Faith!!! Yeah, I'm pretty sure it counted... it's supposed to pop up with "thanks for voting" etc etc, but if it doesn't I think it still worked. :)

  3. *James vote button with earnest*
    What are penpals for? :P

    1. *Jams*
      What are penpals with STUPID phones for? :P

    2. HAHHAH! ;D Thanks for trying (very hard) anyway, Evie!!! I so appreciate it. Even if the silly Hobbit people won't let Aussies vote. ;D

    3. XDD No worries!! and yes stupid hobbit people! :P

  4. Oh and BTW dear! Great job as always! Now I MUST get back to your email

  5. I think I voted for you? I tried...I hope it worked....I shall try again tomorrow.
    Good luck! I think you definitely have a chance. And I love that verse you shared. I had never read that translation before. I like it :)

    1. :D Thanks so much, Faith!! I so appreciate the vote of confidence. Yesss me too... when I looked up the verse to make sure I had the reference right, I saw that version and absolutely loved it. :)

  6. I would have voted...but I live in Australia so it didn't work.

    1. Thanks so much for trying anyway!! You australians are just too cool for Hobbit contests I suppose. ;D

  7. Well what a pity Australians can't vote!

    1. I know, right!? But hey, I so appreciate the fact that you would if you could, and for the comment. :) :)

  8. We aussie's cant vote.. great.. all that button mashing for nothing :(

  9. (Spots your post title, immediately transfers to LOTR mode)
    And I will answer! Fear not, you have at least one vote on your side!

    1. :D Ahhhh!! Thank you so much! And I totally loved your comment. *LOTR mode* ;D


  11. I went to vote...but I couldn't find you video!!!!!!!! 0_o

    1. Ohhh... did you try searching for AnElvenPrincess as well?? If it still doesn't come up, I think it means you're not eligible to vote because you're in a different country. :(

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Your video was one of the best out of the ones that I watched! Wonderful job!!! Hope my votes helped :)!
