

Hi. :D

I'm Beth, a modern-day elven princess that happens to write a blog. ;)

I am 100% devoted to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I cosplay, sew, read (alot), ride horses, crochet, play le piano, spend wayyyy too much time on Pinterest, write stories (when the inspiration hits me anyway), and laugh -- alot. ;)

I've lived on God's beautiful Earth for 17 years.

I've been home schooled for my entire life. And I love it. I'm a senior this year -- GASP. O_O

I'm on a weird diet called the SCD... that stands for the specific carbohydrate diet, which I'm on to heal my Crohn's disease -- don't worry; it's nothing serious. :)

I am a total geek/nerd. TOTAL. And I like it that way. ;D

My fandoms?

The Avengers/Marvel Cinematic Universe
I have a very soft spot for misunderstood villains.

The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings

Doctor Who
David Tennant is my favorite. And oh my word but he is awesome.

Aaaaand various other movies/TV shows/books that catch my fancy. ;)

So yeah. That's basically me.

By the way...

Feel free to stalk the archives.

I'd love it if you left a comment. (Did I mention they make my day? Well they do.)

And I'd be simply honored if you followed as well. ^_^

I hope you enjoy my adventures as much as I do! ;)

P.S. I love getting to know people through blogging, so if you have one, leave the link! I'd love to check it out. :)


  1. Hi Beth!
    I happened to run across your blog by chance, and I'm so glad I did! Not only am I also crazy obsessed with Lord Of the Rings and elves in general, but I'm such a nerd as well. I love your sewing projects, and the latest one with the black widow cosplay was amazing! Who knew taking the sleeves in could make such a big difference!
    Anyway, hope to get to see more of your posts soon!
    Keep it up!
    -Lyndsey @

    1. Thanks for stopping by and for all the kind words, Lyndsey! :D

  2. HAI.
    I found your blog via Project Inspired (I'm 'thespiritualwarrior7'), and I am so glad I did! I adore your cosplays, and intensely wish I could sew. Ah, well. C'est la vie.

    1. Hi!! Yessss I totally remember seeing you around on there, and I've actually been following your blog for quite a while now. Hehe. ;D

      Awh thanks, girl!! I adore making the costumes. :D

      AND YES DAVID TENNANT oh gosh... I'm halfway through in the second season in my chronological-watching (I've watched several random episodes as well), and I just keep realizing more and more how awesome he is bahahah. ;D Speaking of which, a friend and I are actually thinking of making "fem" cosplays of 10 and 11 together (as her favorite doctor is Matt Smith).

      Anyways - thanks so much for stopping by!! (:

  3. Hello! I came across your blog by following your Cosplay Pinterest board, and I just wanted to say that you remind me so much of myself as a high schooler! I just spent a good hour browsing your archives and it's fun to see someone so young being so passionate about the same things. I only wish I had gotten into cosplay as early as you have. Great job on your Arwen and Tauriel costumes; keep it up!

    1. Hi there! Thanks so much for the lovely comment. :) I have tons of fun sewing and making costumes, and I love that you can appreciate that. :D Thanks again for the encouragement!

  4. From reading your bio, I think we'd be great friends if we lived near each other! Most of the things you mentioned are things I love to do.... I'm also pretty geek-y about all those films/shows as well =). Never seen the Avengers, but I have seen both the Thor movies - and I'm not ashamed to say that I watched them for Loki ;-) I'd watched the Avengers for Loki as well.

    It's SO cool that you are in New Zealand at the moment!

    I'm following you on Pinterest as MirandaAlexis95, by the way.

    1. Ahhhh!!! That's so awesome. My love of the Marvel movies started with the Thor movies. :D They are so good -- and yes LOKIIIIIII is my favorite part of both hehe. ;D The Avengers is great as well, but Loki is painted more as the villain in it so that rather bothers me. Hah! ;) My favorite Avenger is Captain America though -- I totally recommend his two movies!! (Minus the language :( ) The second one is especially good. Anyway. ;)

      AHHH New Zealand was awesome, just btw. I still can't believe I went. :D

      YES that's right! I *knew* your name sounded familiar... Pinterest!

    2. The first Avengers film sounds really cool, for sure! I heard the Captain America ones are really good. One of my friends says he's the best...LOL, yeah, Loki is technically the villain in all the films he stars in, but I still choose to be in his fandom =D I'd love to see a LOKI film!

      I'm sure it was AMAZING to get to go to New Zealand and see the sites of Middle Earth! I've enjoyed your photos of the trip so far!

      Yep. I actually found your blog through Pinterest, and I love your pins! Especially, you know, the fandom ones...but then again, I am a bit of a geek/nerd!

    3. :D Oh yes. Cap is mostly definitely my favorite Avenger. :D HAH me too. HE'S JUST MISUNDERSTOOD. xD

      Ahhh it was, and I'm glad you liked them! Most *definitely* the favorite trip I've been on in my life. ^_^

      Oh, how cool!!! Yayyyy I'm glad you like them, because I like them... so that's cool. ;) The fandom ones are some of my favorite as well because, well.... FANDOMSSSSSSSS. ^_^ ;D

  5. Your blog looks great!:D And your fandoms list is great, hehe;)

    Universal Tolkienknight high-five!!!:D

    ~ Arwen

    1. Awh, thanks so much!! Hehehehehe yes yes the fandoms... :D

      *high five back*

      (P.S. Your blog is lovely too!!! *followed*)

  6. Hi Beth, my name is Haley. Looking at all your stuff on here that you do, we could be twins(except I'm a year older) :-) You seem like an awesome person and I'd say to keep doing what you're doing. :-)

    1. Hi Haley!! Thanks so much for leaving such a sweet comment -- it's so nice to meet a kindred spirit! :D Awh shucks, hehe... oh yes, don't worry, I will! I have way too much fun with it all to have a reason to stop. ;-)

  7. Hi Beth, I'm Anil. Your blog looks great. It's so nice to see devoted Tolkien fans like yourself. By the way, great job on your costumes. Keep up the good work!

    Greetings from Turkey.

    1. Hey there, and thanks for stopping to say hello! I've never met anyone from Turkey before, so feel special: you're the first! ;) Anyway, thank you so much for the compliments (you're much too sweet). Have a lovely day! ^_^

  8. Hiya! I was really excited to find your blog. I love how much detail you go into explaining the costumes. Its inspiring as I work on my own costumes and blog. At the moment I'm currently tackling Thranduil from the throne scene in Desolation of Smaug. It was really cool to see how you made your Tauriel costume and I loved your posts about the New Zealand trip!

    -Lovinia (

    1. Hi there!! How sweet of you to leave a comment. ^_^ I just spent some time stalking your blog and all the Thranduil cosplay progress, and myyyy goodness but it is looking awesome!! Seriously fabulous start. Thanks so much for the kind words, and for following my little corner of the internet! :) ^_^

  9. I just stumbled upon your blog, and must I say I'm impressed! I love your Captain America cosplay (been reading up on all the posts, that must have been really complex to make).
    I am in the Avengers and the Doctor Who fandom too, and always so happy to meet fellow geeks:)


    1. Ahhh bonjour Rose, my fellow geek!! So nice to make your acquaintance. ;) awwhhh, but you're too sweet. Thanks so much for all the kind words! Making my Cap costume was a rather complex process, and in hind's sight I should have used a pattern for a bit of guidance, but, through God's help, I got it done in time for the premiere;)

  10. Hi Beth!
    I am so happy to know you're homeschooled! I ran into your blog when I was looking for Tauriel costume patterns and I couldn't find any so I tried cosplay and I found u! Yay! I have a palomino pony at my house and I see and play piano! It was really cool hearing about you! I am planning on making a Tauriel cosplay! Wish me luck!!! God bless! (I am totally obsessed with Jesus, LOTR, Avengers too). :D

    1. :D Oh, awesome! YAYYYY for homeschoolers and horse lovers and pianists and LOTR and Avengers fans and especially JESUS FREAKS!!! *fistbump* :D ;) I'm so excited for you, making your first costume and all!! Tauriel is a GREAT choice. (I'm about to reply to your other comment on the "Dress Design" post... :)) Good luck and may the force be with you. ;D

  11. Hi Beth! I just found your blog via Pinterest, and I really like it. :) LotR and The Hobbit are awesome! *Except for the tears* :D
    I'm sad you're stopping posts on this blog, but I hope your other blog is just as fun for you. :) Your costumes are amazing, sewing goals!
    <3 , IrishAG

  12. Hi, I'm a home-school christian girl too!
    (and I like LOTR and the Hobbit as well!)
    I really like your Tauriel costumes!
    This is my blog:

  13. Hi Beth! I discovered your blog through a friend who tagged you in one of her own blog posts, and I just want to say that your blog sounds like the inside of my own head! I have been a Marvel fan since The Avengers (Loki, of course, is my fave character), have been a LOTR/Hobbit fan for almost as long, and I just discovered Doctor Who last summer and got obsessed!

    You have a gorgeous blog and I hope to keep following it!! God bless you!
