
Saturday, July 25, 2015

(Another) Liebster Award!

Liebster: German for "dearest" or "darling."

My dear friend Karis, from The Meanderings of Me, was super sweet and nominated me for the Liebster Award!  Now, I've technically already done a post on this (just a bit over a year ago, actually!) but it's been so long since then that I figured I'd do it again anyway.  Plus I needed a fun post to write up... ;)  And thus here we are: Liebster Award, round 2!

The rules:
  1. Answer the eleven questions of the tagger.
  2. Share eleven facts about yourself.
  3. Nominate up to eleven other bloggers.
  4. Ask those nominees 11 new questions.
First, I shall answer the 11 questions from Karis:

1. TV show you liked that you wished hadn't been canceled?  Erhm.  Nothing is coming to mind.  In case you didn't know, I'm not much of a TV-lover -- I'd take movies over episodes any day. ;)  The ones I do like either ran themselves into the ground and didn't deserve another season, or are still ongoing.  I'll just put "N/A" for this one, then. ;)

2. What is the last thing you watched?  *groans* Figures I get asked this the day after I watch Disney Channel's "Teen Beach Movie" with my younger sister for some silly entertainment. xD  Before that, I watched "The Quiet Man," the 1952 classic starring John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara, famous for being the first American movie to be completely filmed in Ireland, and having the longest film brawl at the time.  Man, was that a bizarre movie...

3. What is the last thing you watched in theaters?  Ant-Maaaaaan.

4. What is your favorite song from a musical?  I'm not a huge fan of musicals, but "Defying Gravity" (Wicked) is a fav, as is "Think of Me" (Phantom of the Opera).  This list would be longer if I listened to more musicals. ;D

5. Do you have a dream car?  Ford Mustang GT convertible (whatever the latest model happens to be whenever I can afford such a thing).  Just like this:

6. Favorite fruit?  Tough, but blueberries win out.

7. Do you have any posters in your room?  Yesss... I took down my 3 Hobbit posters (one from each movie) to pack up, but I still have my map of Middle-earth on my wall. :)

8. What song do you have stuck in your head right now?  "Exhale" by Plumb.

9. What movie are/were you most excited to see that premiers in 2015?  I was most excited for Avengers: Age of Ultron.  I am currently most excited for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.  Still figuring out what costume I should make for le premiere of that...ideas? :D

10. What book have you read and re-read the most?  Either "The Hobbit" (Tolkien) or "Soul Surfer." (Bethany Hamilton).  I think.

11. Favorite Olympic sport?  Show jumping.  Ahhh it's just heart-stopping to watch those incredible horses fly over those humongous fences.  Plus, it's the event I'd most like to participate in. :D

Next up, 11 facts about yours truly:

1. I'm an ambivert (the official word for a personality between introvert and extrovert).
2. I laugh way too much, sometimes so much so that I annoy myself.
3. I get annoyed easily, but God's slowly helping me get over that.
4. I can't smell skunks, except in extreme cases.
5. My favorite time to pray is when I'm lying in bed, waiting for sleep.
6. I'm starting to get over my fear of heights.
7. Words of affirmation are my "love language."
8. I believe anything costing over $5 is expensive.
9. I love grocery shopping -- at least, when I'm in charge. ;)
10. I have a secret (welp, not anymore, I suppose!) love for to-do lists.
11. I'm still saving the tabs off of pop cans. Force of habit, I suppose. xD

Now, I nominate these 11 lovely people:

...and, of course, if you would like to do this and I didn't tag you, pleaseeee do it anyway!!  Rules schmules, am I right?? ;)

Lastly, here are 11 questions for you nominees (plus any others!):

1. What is the best memory of 2015 you have so far?
2. What book are you currently reading?
3. Scissors or tape?
4. What does the ideal weather forecast look like to you?
5. Is there anything you hate that almost everyone else loves?
6. TV shows or movies?
7. What's your favorite type of exercise?
8. Would you like to live on a different continent than your current one, and if so, which one?
9. Soda can or plastic bottle?
10. What do you think is the best perk of technology?
11. Do you have a favorite "vintage" movie?

I hope you enjoyed this little post, and that those of you who have a mind for it enjoy writing your own! :)

Now, back to packing for our move to Virginia...


  1. Replies
    1. Isn't it just. :D For when I'm rich and famous, you know.. xD

  2. Hate to tell ya....... I tagged you too

    1. AHHH I completely missed that!! And I read your Liebster post... hah. Apparently I'm not very observant. ;D Thanks dear!! So appreciate the tag. ^_^

    2. =D yesh yesh you did! and Aww no worries!! xD


  3. 1. What is the best memory of 2015 you have so far?

    Us squealing together about me going to NZ!

    2. What book are you currently reading?

    LOTR 2 and HP 4

    3. Scissors or tape?


    4. What does the ideal weather forecast look like to you?

    Well if I'm in Glasgow: Cold wet and windy with a touch of snow maybe :D

    5. Is there anything you hate that almost everyone else loves?

    Twlight and the remainder Hunger Games books.

    6. TV shows or movies?
    o.O Both?

    7. What's your favorite type of exercise?
    pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft coughplayingmyviolacough hey when you play for 3hrs straight then another 2 it kills your shoulder.

    8. Would you like to live on a different continent than your current one, and if so, which one?

    Englannnnnnnnnnd well Scotland really. Or can I stay with you?? :P

    9. Soda can or plastic bottle?


    10. What do you think is the best perk of technology?

    Talking with friends all over the world

    11. Do you have a favorite "vintage" movie?
    Singin in the Rain

    1. Ughhhh Twilight -- AMEN. :P
      Practicing/playing viola totally counts as exercise. I have strong memories of shoulder fatigue from back when I played violin.. xD
      You can totally stay with me!! Come to americaaaaaa
      Singing in the Rain is so good. ^_^
      Great answers, Evie!!

    2. I call it Twitlight :P
      YAY! and mmhmmmmm my hand is dead too quite literally..
      YAYYYYY *packs bags and jumps on flight and meets you at airport* I hope and pray that happens tbh though...

  4. Thanks for tagging me! I'm excited to write up a post for this.

    1. Also, for the Star Wars cosplay... maybe Princess Leia?

    2. You are so welcome!! I can't wait to read your post. :D

      Ohh, great idea for my star wars costume! I'd been thinking about cosplaying her, actually.. great minds think alike. ;D I might go for one of the new characters tho, or a jedi... so many awesome ideas. :D

    3. Okay, if you cosplayed as Chewbacca that would be amazing! ;)

    4. I was thinking Beth, but I applaud anyone who cosplays as Chewbacca. So, if either of you cosplayed as him, that would be amazing ;)

    5. hheeheh so was I.. :D Beth.. what do you think??

    6. BAHAHAHAHA Chewbacca really???? xD xD That is hilarious. And brilliant. I might have to recruit some 6-foot-tall person to do that... because, yes, I totally agree, Felicity: it'd be amazing. ;D
