
Monday, April 6, 2015

Captain America Cosplay - More Bodice and Pants

I hope you had an absolutely wonderful Easter weekend celebrating the most incredible, loving, grace-filled act in all of history: the suffering, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the son of God. But now that we must get back to school/work, I figured it would be a good time to give progress update #2 for my Cap fem cosplay! :)


This is the bodice currently. The front is mostly sewn, and the back is mostly pinned (so any seams that look abnormally weird, don't worry: they're just not finished yet. They'll look better, I promise. ;)) As you can see, it needs the rest of the neckline pieces, the red embellishments around the star, the star-shaped panel behind the chest star, the actual chest star, the other two red waist stripes, and some other stuff I can't remember -- but you can just trust me that this bodice is still fairly far from complete, though it has already come a very long way. ;D

Le side... basically a mess of pins and confusing seams that I am DREADING to sew. I don't even have it pinned correctly yet. *cries because costume troubles*

The back. I'm hating how it looks currently, but it is far from complete as well, so that's one consolation. I honestly don't have much of a plan for it yet, but it'll [hopefully] look something like the back of the real costume. So it's currently a work in progress that's going to get revised. ;)

Here I've got the other stripes taped on (can't pin them since they're too thick and the pins would puncture the leather lining), plus a mock-up star that I whipped up from a paper template and aluminum foil (or should I say, aluminium? ;D). I was surprised by how nice it ended up turning out (hah!), so I've convinced myself to save some money instead of buying this $30 chest star from Cosplay Sky, which I completely fell in love with. The plan is to pick up a sheet of aluminum foil from Lowe's or something and make an improved version of this draft, just a bit smaller in width, height, and breadth.

And here is an extremely terribly looking plan for the bodice. The red lines are a very undeveloped WIP (literally just cut out), so those will be getting plenty of work, and I'm still working on the two waist stripes. I'm not 100% sure they look good. I think they're too wide, but I really really really want to avoid remaking them (they were a complete pain in le derriere), so I'm just going to have to see what becomes of them, I suppose. Laziness may win out. ;D

And now, the finale -- the pants! I'm very pleased with how these turned out (actually they're not quite finished; still need hemmed on both top and bottom). I was quite meticulous regarding the fit when making these (which meant way too many times of trying them on, plus a few scars from pins), since the fabric is stretch, meaning both too loose or too tight would completely ruin the look. As it is, I think I got it just right, and they work pretty perfectly with my Cap boots. ;) oh did I mention they're really comfortable too

Mooooore updates soon! Anyone else getting super-duper extremely excited for Avengers: Age of Ultron??? 7 pm on April 30th cannot come soon enough, in my opinion. Hehe.


  1. Hi Beth! I absolutely LOOOVVEEE the way your costume has turned out so far! Can't wait to see it when its finished! You actually have inspired me to do a little cosplaying myself! Me my sis, and a couple of our friends are HUGE Avengers fans, and we decided to go all out and dress up for the upcoming Age of Ultron movie too!XDXD So right now im busy converting a thrift store black leather jacket into a Hawkeye jacket for my sis! Thanks again for all the inspiration!!


    1. Ohh, thank you so much!!! And I am SO excited that I inspired you to create your own costumes for Age of Ultron!! That. is. fully. awesome. :D And ugh *sniff* I'm so proud -- refashioning a thrifted jacket for your sister's Hawkeye cosplay is genius! Who are you planning on dressing up as???

    2. I'm planning on going as Thor, and our two other friends are going as black widow, and Captain America!!!! We are totally PUMPED!!!!XDXDXD

    3. I'm actually following you on Pinterest as Juju. I have my sis's costume all done, and I posted the pics of her on my Hawkeye AOU cosplay board if you want to see it!! Im still working on my Thor Costume....XDXD

    4. Ahhhhhh I just checked out your Pinterest AoU cosplay board (and followed of course hehe), and you girl's costumes are looking AMAZING!! I love that you guys have your own Avengers group going on... minus Iron Man and Hulk (which would be insanely difficult to cosplay [unless you did casual of course], so that works. ;D). Anyway. I'm so excited to watch the progess and see more of your costumes!! :D

  2. Ohhhhhh I LOVE it!
    And I am SO excited for Age Of Ultron!

    1. Ahhhhhh thanks so much, dear! EXCITEMENT YES. :D

  3. Your costume is looking SO good!! I'm so excited about this!! (now to go work on mine... lol) :D

    1. :D Thank youuuu Karis!! I'm so excited about it too. And about your costume. And everything about April 30th in general. ;D

  4. It looks amazing! Great progress, but my highlight is the star. Hopefully it doesn't cut into your skin though. :)

    1. Thankya, Faith!! Yes, I was rather happy with le star, too! I'm still working on getting some thicker aluminum to make the final version out of, and changing the design a bit to be more screen accurate. It's currently too tall, which makes it look like the points would cut into me. Hah! So, yes, don't worry! I won't accidentally maul myself. ;D

  5. Your costume is so awesome! I wish I could be this talented! Can't wait to see the finished look! Only 19 more days! I'm actually considering making a Scarlet Witch outfit. Now I just need to get to a thrift store...

    1. Ohhh my goodness, you're too sweet Elizabeth. Thank you! ^_^ Nineteen days -- AHHHH the countdown. I cannot wait for *the day* to finally arrive... :D

      I LOVE the idea of your making a Scarlet Witch costume!! You most definitely should. Black dress, boots/shoes, and red leather jacket and you're good to go. Thrift stores will be perfect for finding those! :D

  6. hi there

    i saw this article, i think it is very cute costume, well done.
    (((some how the belt remainds me about assasin´s greed ezio x)))
    Nice job ;) <3
