
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Cinderella Premiere (Dress-up Included!)

Soooooo last Saturday, a few friends and sisters and I went to see Disney's new live action remake of Cinderella.

And we dressed up.

And it was awesome.

(both the movie and dressing up. :D)

The idea to dress up for seeing le movie was first conceived when Amber (in the gorgeous pink dress) found said dress at one of our local thrift stores... and I immediately jumped on the bandwagon (because you KNOW I'd never say no to costumes). It was the perfect occasion, I realized, to wear the gorgeous green gown which I had thrifted a year ago and never had an opportunity to wear. Cinderella premiere = perfect opportunity. :D

I promise I'm not immature okay maybe a little; I just have a huge thing for dressing up and movies and so cosplay works pretty well for me. ;D

It was so great - Amber in pink, me in green... we made the perfect evil stepsisters: Anastasia and Drizella, respectively. xD

So, my younger sister and her friend also decided they wanted to get in on the dress-up action, and, with the addition of my older sister and Emily (who both refused to dress up, because they're just not cool enough, apparently ;D), we had a perfect little group to go see Cinderella!!!

Yes, I am well aware that we didn't go on the ACTUAL premiere night -- schedules, schedules, schedules! But dressing up Saturday night was still plenty fun, and all the stares and compliments and waves from little girls were well worth it. ;) Plus, the movie!!! Can I just say... such. cuteness. Loved it to pieces. AnElvenPrincess trivia (BAHAHHA I'm terrible): Cinderella was my favorite Disney princess growing up.

(Now a days I prefer Belle, but that's a different story... one that will be told March 17, 2017... mhmmm Beauty and the Beast is the next Disney princess story to get a live action remake, peeps!!! Aaaand I'm already totes excited for it. Did I mention that Luke Evans (Bard the Bowman to us Hobbit geeks) is playing Gaston?? Yes, yes he is. I'm cracking up at that. It's gonna be great. xD)

One little glitch in our plans occurred, when we attempted to buy our tickets for the 5:30 showing, and were greeted with "Sorry, it's sold out." O_O SO, we instead bought tickets for a 6:30 showing. A bit bothersome, but this turn of events ended up being for the best (doesn't everything? That's God for ya - hah! ;D): we decided to walk around the mall to pass the time.

Note: Walking around a mall in costume is always a good idea. ALWAYS.

Plus, we found some Cinderella posters to pose with. ;)

Danielle (my younger sis) described my attempt at posing like Cinderella as "surfing on a pizza."

Definitely accurate.

Welp, I hope you liked le pics and hearing about my latest costume exploits! ;D Oh, and I must apologize for my not-very-regular posting habits of late... I've had so many cool things to write about, but not enough motivation or time or skills to write about them. For instance... revamped Captain America cosplay for AoU is in the works, with new fabric and new design and everything. And I MUST tell you about it because it's making me so excited. So, that's coming. I promise. Soon, my friends. Soon. ;)

Until laaaaater. *wink*

P.S. ...I'm not very good at endings... ;D


  1. oh my goodness- waaaaay too awesome! agh I want to see this movie too! annnnd you look gorgeous as usual :) haha I'm totally looking forward to seeing Bard as Gaston :) anyway awesome and post and can't wait to see what you've got up your sleeve next!

  2. Haha! "Surfing on a pizza" :D :D :D Totally didn't see that at first, but now I will never see that picture any other way ;)

  3. Ha ha I can totally imagine the looks you would have got from little girls!

  4. HAHHA! SURFING ON PIZZA... awesome costume!

  5. Looks like you had a ton of fun! :) Your dress is gorgeous.

    - Ellie

  6. YOUR DRESS!!!! it looks gorgeous! I need a ball gown. asap.

    Also I really wanted to see that movie! it looks amazing!

    Love the pictures. you look stunning as usual.

  7. You (and Amber) are awesome! I still have not seen the movie but I really need to. Your dress is just amazing, you are such a good thrift store shopper. :D

    1. I just saw the movie today, it was very well done.

    2. Oh yay!! Wasn't Kit (le prince) just adorable??? And Cinderella's ball gown when they're dancing... to die for. O.O ;)

  8. Ahhh, I LOVE all your dresses.... They're so pretty! What an awesome & fun time making memories with your sisters & friends :)!!

  9. Your gown is simply gorgeous!!! WHAT!??!?! LUKE EVANS IS GOING TO BE GASTON?!?!!? *faints* I might have to dress up for that one... :)

  10. Oh.My.Word. For as long as I can remember my sisters and I have talked about dressing up for movies but we have never actually done it. I guess I did dress up as a modern day Kili for BOTFA and that was REALLY fun:) Your dresses are amazing=D Wait...WHAT? Luke Evans is going to play Gaston? That's awesome! Haha:)

  11. I know, right?! All the warm fuzzy adorableness;)

    (THE SWING SCENE, THOUGH! Seriously, that was too awesome:D )

  12. Firstly, the good things:
    Y'all look gorgeous. Like, I can't even. Absolutely loverly. And I completely agree: walking around in costume is always a good idea. Recently, I had to spend all day in various stores (Joann Fabrics, Costco, Tartet) in full steampunk regalia because I was going to an expo that evening. I kept wondering why people were looking at me funny, and then...yeah. I remembered I was wearing a corset.
    Now, on to the movie itself (RANT TIME).
    Cinderella was anti-feminist garbage. Firstly, it disappointed me because I expected it to have a twist or something, but it was basically exactly the original story. Why is this a problem, you ask? Because it is teaching young girls that you should just let everybody walk all over you, as long as you're cute and pretty and sweet. There is a line (and it's not even a very fine line) between being all kind and whatever, and not sticking up for yourself, and this Cinderella chick crossed it. This movie is a problem because message it's sending, is "Girls should try to make everybody else happy even if their life is a living hell, because if you do that a prince will come save you". BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW WE NEED A PRINCE TO SAVE US.
    And this might have been okay, if Cinderella had redeemed herself. If the point of the movie, the development of her character, had been her learning to advocate for herself. But she did not stick up for herself once during the entire movie, it was always someone else doing it for her.
    And it's okay for people our age, people who understand that Cinderella is not a role model, to watch the movie and appreciate its aesthetic value (despite the fact that it had the worst CGI on this side of 2004), but the truth is, I would be very uncomfortable with my six-year-old sister watching this movie. I do not want her to think that this is the way girls are supposed to act. Currently, she's doing pretty well in the area of fictional role models: her top two are Princess Nausicaa (Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind) and Ahsoka Tano (The Clone Wars), and they are both absolutely fantastic feminist heroes who are in control of their own lives and don't need a gosh darn prince to save them. And while I have nothing against princes (that was one of the few good points of the movie, actually. I liked how the prince wasn't a total loser), there is so much we can be without them.
    This is why I hated Cinderella.
    It, however, had a few good points: As I previously stated, the prince was pretty cool. The captain of the guard character, despite being historically innacurate (a black person would not have had a rank that high at the time this movie is supposed to take place), was super cool. And Helena Bonham Carter as the Fairy Godmother was perfection, because Helena Bonham Carter is perfection.
    (sorry, not sorry. had to get my opinion out there.)

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Jada! (and for le compliments hehe. And yes, costumes in public really are the best. I should try steampunk sometime... XD)

      Now, okay, so, I just have to disagree with you about the lessons behind Cinderella.

      So... as far as Cinderella's actions and character, I have to admit that I found it refreshing. I don't believe she was anti feminist, but rather, completely selfless. Like, her mother told her to "have courage and be kind" (cheesy as it is, it is good [even Christian] life advice), and that is what she followed. Where would an 18 year old girl, only used to being safe and secure in her father's home, go to get away from her stepmother? Because she was reduced to that of a slave, and yet a that was exactly where He had placed her, basically as a slave in her own home. Is slavery wrong? YES absolutely. And yet, God tells us this: "Slaves, obey your human masters with fear and trembling, in the sincerity of your heart, as to Christ" (Ephesians 6:5, HCS).

      So, as much as I loathe to admit it, Cinderella's actions really were Christ-like. Instead of cursing her stepmother and sisters and running away to become a harlot and live out her freedom or something, she stayed with them through the sorrow of her father's death, always being patient and loving to the step family who didn't deserve one bit of it. And let's suppose God was in Cinderella's fictional world: this was the exact place He wanted her to be. She was supposed to learn a lesson of forbearance, obedience, selfless love, and patience through it -- and the prince just happened to be God's way of telling Cinderella "Well done, good and faithful servant," and rescuing her from that living hell.

      You mentioned that Cinderella didn't ever stick up for herself... I actually think she kind of did, in her quiet way. She, by golly, made that dress BY HERSELF to wear to the ball, only to have it destroyed by her stepmother... we see the spark of hatred towards her rising up in Cinderella, and it might have completely come out if the step family had not left for the ball just then. So, Cinderella was left to herself to cry to let off steam -- just as when she galloped away on her horse. These parts are where we see Cinderella's resolve. She PURPOSEFULLY puts her own desires down so that she can serve others, and follow her parents dying wishes.

      So, Cinderella can't go to the ball because her stepmother ruined the dress she so painstakingly made for herself, and this is where the fairy godmother comes in. Again, we can hypothetically think that God is in Cinderella's world, and He sent the fairy godmother as way of saying to Cinderella: "No. Despite how hopeless things appear, you ARE meant to go to the ball, where I will liberate you from your stepfamily through your future husband and reward you for all your years of faithfulness."

      See, the things is, I don't think Cinderella is telling the audience that every girl needs a prince to sweep her off her feet and rescue her. It's telling us that things will get better and love will find us if we have an open heart, a selfless attitude, and courage to do the right thing, even when it's hard and when we hate it.

      And finally, the whole prince saves the girl thing? Not only is this actually pretty Biblical (think Ruth -- she went after her man and he saved her from poverty), it's actually, if we think about it a PERFECT ANALOGY: we DO need a Prince to save us -- and not just us women, but EVERYONE. We need the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ himself, to save us from a living hell.

      Sooo... that's that. I took forever typing this out, because I really feel like Cinderella has so much more to offer than is just seen in the appearances of the story, and especially as Christians, we can appreciate that. :)

  13. (It won't let me reply to your comment, so I'll post a new one)
    Firstly, I have to agree with you in a few spots, and say that, to me, selflessness is really appealing (I am completely Abnegation). And by no means am I saying that we can't watch this movie and appreciate it for its aesthetic/allegorical value. But...
    Here, I'll be really clear about my problem. We can interpret it in whatever way we want, not quite taking the really obvious message of "Let people abuse you and a prince will save you as long as you're pretty" so obviously, and looking for the sublteties. In fact, I really liked the way you compared the prince to Jesus: that was a super cool perspective I hadn't heard before, and it made sense.
    But unless you're going to explain the symbolism to every six-year-old girl who's going to go see Cinderella, there is still a giant problem.
    My problem is not for me: it's for the young kids who are going to be watching it and, with no one to explain to them the context and how the messages can apply to us as Christians, thinking that what they should do is act the way Cinderella does.
    And I'm going to politely disagree with you in one area, as well. I said she did not stand up for herself, you argued that she made the dress for the ball. No. Well, she made the dress, yeah, but that does not qualify as her standing up for herself. Her standing up for herself would be her telling the stepmother, "The way you're treating me is not right. It's not what my parents would have wanted for me, and I'm not going to stand for it any longer."
    And that's another thing: Cinderella is honoring her parents wishes, but to a fault. She needs to understand that 'have courage and be kind' (which is really very cheesy. Surely they could have tried a little harder) is a great mantra, but it does not mean that she should suffer abuse for years trying to make her stepmother happy.
