
Saturday, December 13, 2014

[Battle] Tauriel Cosplay - The Final Update

Ahhhh major nostalgia coming on right now... 1 year ago I wrote "the final update" for my first Tauriel cosplay (her "archer" costume). And now here I am, writing the final update for my Tauriel inspired costume.

P.S. I'm really sick of how fast time flies. :P

Anyway. Here we go with this final update about the making of battle Tauriel! :)

Two changes occurred over the past week since my last post. One big one concerning the pop tab chainmail that I made a while back, and one small one of the waist cincher. ;)

After deciding that I didn't like the chainmail made into shoulder armor (I'm so wishy-washy, I know.. xD), my brilliant sister Danielle told me to turn them into bracers. I then told her that the backs of the pop tabs snag really bad on the fabric... to which she replied, "Why don't you just put them on upside down?"

Like I said, brilliant. They look really great with the dress and the cincher... they finish off the look quite nicely. AND it makes the whole cosplay reminiscent of Tauriel's spider dress! (You know, dress/waist cincher/bracers and all;) So I thought that was rather cool how that worked out. :)

Changed to bracers...

The second thing is about the waist cincher... it was really just a fitting issue; it didn't pull in my waist at all, making me look straight, kinda...? Anyway, it was really bothering me, and 2 very simple seams fixed it! So now it looks *so* much better, and I've got an actual waist now. Hah. XD

Welp, I'm gonna have to cut this short now; busy-ness has abounded for moi and I can't find much time to write... but I wanted to check in one last time before The Battle of the Five Armies with the final touches on my costume, so I hope you've enjoyed that. ;)

And, what are your plans for seeing le movie??? (Or, maybe you're not even planning on seeing it... *booooo*) Tell meh in the comments because I love to hear about my peeps. :) :)

Finally... JUST 3 DAYS UNTIL THE COUNTDOWN COMPLETES. Or 2 days, if you're going the night before (like me hehe)... or if you don't live in good ol 'Murica, then a completely different amount of time... but you know what I'm getting at. ;D

Bonus: Elfie. Featuring elf hairstyle and latex elf ears. ;D


  1. Nice idea with the bracers!! Brilliant!

    I am seeing the Hobbit the first Saturday it comes out with my friends. So excited!

    1. :D Thanks!! A bit of credit for that goes to Danielle... ;D

      Awesome!!! I'm planning on going again on Saturday with some friends who couldn't go to the Tuesday night showing... :D

  2. Brilliant! Can't wait to see how it all came together!

    If I can get my costume done, I might go tomorrow! ( our theater is having a Hobbit marathon!! ). If not, I'll probably go to the midnight premier, but still not sure.

    1. Thanks so much! :D

      Ahhhhh! I thought about going to the Monday marathon, but then I realized I don't think if I could last that long... and I wanted the movie to be super special, and if I had seen ~5 hours of Middle-earth before that, I wasn't sure if I'd be tired of Hobbit by then... so yeah. ;D Which showing did you end up going to??

    2. Oh! And did your costume come together in the end??? (I'm sure it did!)

  3. I have something to admit...

    I havent actually seen Desolation Of Smaug....

    I know. Its a crime really. Hopefully, I'll be able to fix that when I go to a friends house for a marathon. If money allows, I'll be able to see BOFA. *crosses fingers.*

    Anyhow, Love the cosplay! And the elfie. haha. you're so cute:)

    1. Ahhhhh guuuurl... *tilts head and raises eyebrows* Jkjkjk, that's okay that you haven't even seen DOS yet.. just as long as you see it and BOTFA eventually. ;D Seeing them isn't *quite* a necessity, but they are sooo good. Let me know what you thought whenever you get around to seeing them!! :D

      Aaaand hehe, thankyou! I know, I know, I try. No makeup selfies get weird. xD

  4. I'm going to see it on tonight (the 16th)! We wanted to go see the marathon, but money and time dissuaded us. Your costume is so awesome! It makes me wish I'd spent more time on mine. :D
    I started following you this summer, and you've been a real inspiration to me, both in cosplaying, and in your walk with God!

    1. Awesome!! That's what I did too. The marathon sounded awesome, but I just didn't know if I could make it through 9 hours of movies -- plus it was quite pricey. :P

      And thankyou so much! I did take forever on this thing -- but sometimes quick is best, in your case! It's awesome that you made a costume, no matter how much time you spent on it. :D

      AWH girl, you have totally just made my day. I've been kinda down in the dumps lately, and the fact that I'm an inspiration to you means so much to me. :)

  5. This costume improves all the time! :D
    Enjoy the epic awesomeness this evening! It's going to be great...!

    1. Awh, thanks dear! And I enjoyed the movie so much... ahhhhhh but it was so sad... ughhhhghghh

  6. Love it and cannot WAIT to see your final costume!!

    Blessings -

    ~ Aspen

    1. Thanks sooo much Aspen!! Hope you liked le finished product. :D

  7. Saw the showing last night and I even went in my own Tauriel costume. I LOVED the movie but cried so much(so were most of the people in my theater, you could hear the sniffling of crying and trying to hold back tears from all the people there) what'd you think of it? I'm still sad from it!

    1. Awesome!!! Yay for Tauriel cosplayers! :D

      AND TELL ME ABOUT IT. I've never cried that hard or that long during any movie before... I loved it, some things were a little odd, like during the battle... but overall, I thought it was incredible. Aaand yeah. The following day I was kind dealing with some aftershock from it... :(((( ;)

  8. Awesome post. thanks for sharing this knowledge .
