
Saturday, October 11, 2014

Ugly Knit Shirt Refashion

Firstly -- you must forgive me for going all M.I.A. on ya'll for 10 days. It wasn't intentional, I promise! ;)

In that time, I've been up to quite a lot. And the refashion in this post is one of them!

I haven't done one of these in much too long, and I've had this shirt hanging around for a while - a very out-of-fashion, ribbed knit, long sleeved shirt. A hand-me-down from one of my older sisters. ;)

Here's where we begin:

Yes, it is wearable as it is, but it could be much much better. The big thing was those sleeves... so awkward. The fit wasn't the greatest either.

I first picked out what I did like about it: the color, and the cute lace lining the collar. Other than that... meh. So, time to get to work!

I decided to make the sleeves 3/4 length:


Sleeve hem completed:

Then I took it in about a 1/2 inch along each side, including the armhole (which were a tad large) and the upper part of the sleeve.

Aaaaand finished! :D

P.S. Apologies for this post being kinda quick. Lotsa business going on, and not enough time to blog. :p I've got several cosplay posts in the draft folder (as usual, right xD) - but for now, here's a little tease... :D


  1. Awesome! I really want to refashion something, but the only hand me downs I get are sometimes from my mom.

    I think I know what your teaser is. (On your left)

    1. Thanks. ;) Ah yes. Let's see... a few tips I could give you, in looking for things to refashion, is firstly, the material -- if you like the fabric, there's bound to be something you can do with it! If not, don't even bother. Also, don't limit yourself to just refashioning it into another piece of clothing! As you know, there's tons and tons of other things made out of fabric. And jeans! Jeans are the best. Literally 100s of things to make out of old jeans. A quick pinterest search will bring up loads. ;)

      HAHAH!! xD xD You guessed it.... ;D

  2. Wow.. you made it into something so beautiful!:)
    I love this post <3
    The Journeys of My Beating Heart

  3. Apology accepted. ;]

    Nice alterations to the shirt! The lace along the neckline is indeed the best aspect of the original, and the bit of trimming and slimming makes it quite a nice piece of clothing indeed!
    So... when taking in the sides/arms of a shirt, you can really just make a pin line to sew down? I had always imagined it to be a much more labor-intensive process... first seam ripping, then drawing, then cutting, and *then* sewing. Somehow it never occurred to me that you could just sew down the sides, maybe cutting away extras afterwards if needed... neat! Now I have a new bit of information for my mental file folder. ;]

    1. Haha! ;D

      Thanks! It's definitely not one of my favorite re-purposed clothing that I've done, it is a cute little shirt, now. :)

      Yep -- you got it! :D That's how I do it at least (and I'm definitely no pro!), but for items as simple as taking in a shirt, this method works well. For more complex items, like [some] dresses and pants and such, the seam ripping and planning method would be needed. :)
