
Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Few Recent Projects [of varying forms]

Ok. This blog post has been a draft for almost two weeks now, and now I'm finally sitting down to make myself finish it. xD I promise I'll try not to take so long between posts in the future -- but, as I'm sure you're well aware, life happens. ;)

So anyway... It's been going well in my corner of the world. Last week was spring break, which was lovely and very relaxing, with friend get-togethers, silly games of "this or that" with my sisters, and, of course, a few projects, which I'm going to share with ya'll in this post! :D

Also during the week, Spring had begun to creep in with all it's glories: warm sunshine, green foliage, and cool breezes.

But now, school and the winter weather have returned... *sigh.* Well, life goes on, and the wait for spring continues. It'll be here soon. (:

So, about those projects I mentioned...

The first is this leather jacket that I thrifted for 2 bucks. It is seriously awesome... BUT it's a women's size medium, and I wear an extra small/small, so some alterations were necessary.



It was a pretty simple fix, it just took a bit of time to complete. I just had to take in the sleeves and sides a bit (ok, alot xD). Bonus: it's now perfect for my next little cosplay project... more news concerning that in a later post! No, I won't take two weeks this time... xD

One other really simple alteration project I had was a maxi skirt from Goody's -- for $6! Hooray for clearance and coupons, right?! The skirt was a small, but the waist band was rather large on me and stretched out a little (hence the clearance). But it wasn't anything a simple seam couldn't fix -- and it was six stinkin' bucks! I just couldn't refuse. ;)

The last one I want to share with ya'll was something I whipped up on a lazy afternoon, when I was in desperate -- yes, desperate -- need of a project.

It's made of cardboard (lols xD), black satin, cream chiffon, vinyl stick-on letters, and some silver trim left over from my Arwen costume from a couple years ago. I basically just made it up as I went... because you know that's how I roll. ;)

And, in case any one didn't know, that's a quote by Aragorn from LOTR. ;)

Oh, and that cosplay project I mentioned? Yeah, I'm pretty excited about it. You'll hear more soon.

Here's a hint. ;)


  1. Hey Beth! You've been awarded the Sunshine Award! You can check it out on my blog! :)


    1. Hey thanks so much for nominating me! I'm honored. :D

    2. I loved and enjoyed reading your answers!! Lol! :) Thanks for your comment!


  2. Oh WOW. I love the way that jacket turned out!! Super awesome.

  3. That jacket came out awesome!!! And I think I know what cosplay you're thinking of;) and you're gonna rock it.

    Love the LOTR quote picture too!:)
