
Sunday, April 27, 2014

A Study of Spring

A photoshoot featuring the glorious Spring colors and me, myself, and I.

Photos also taken by me, myself, and I. ;)

Maybe leave a comment on your favorite? I'd be thrilled. ^_^

Happy Spring! ♥

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My Life Lately

Very busy. That's me lately. :)

On the 8th I became a licensed driver...

On the 11th I had one of the best riding lessons I'd had in a very long time...

On the 15th I went to the dentist...

On the 20th I actually met my best online friend in real life...

On the 21st I went to the ER for the first time...

(Don't worry, it ended up being nothing serious, but I'll be going to the doctor for a normal check-up tomorrow just to make sure. I'd been having pain in my right side for the past 5 days without getting any better, and it was actually getting worse. So I freaked. :P We think it's some sort of gallbladder or liver problem... hopefully the doc will be able to get me fixed up. :) In the meantime, prayers would be oh so appreciated. It's caused more than a little anxiety for me over the past few days. Thanks in advance, guys. ^_^

So that's my life lately. (:

P.S. Happy belated Easter!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Jean Messenger Bag Refashion

I feel like the name of this post should actually just be "I made dis." xD

Hah! But, it really is a refashion. A jean refashion! Because I've got wayyyyy too many pairs in my sewing box... ;)

It's made out of the bottom half of one pant leg. I opened up the bottom seam and sewed the seam allowance together for a boxy sort of bottom. I then hemmed the flap thing, added a pocket (and reinforced the pocket edges with nail polish so they won't fray -- because I'm just resourceful like that ;D), and made a four-strand braid of various yarns for the shoulder strap.

I wasn't quite satisfied with it yet, however. Something was missing. It was just too plain.

Sooooo I rummaged around in my sewing box a bit, and found this pretty beaded ribbon that I'd had for ages and ages, but that I'd just not known what to do with. Well, I figured this was the perfect opportunity to finally put it to use!

After sewing the trim on in zig-zags across the front flap of the bag, it was complete. And voila! A new purse... bag... thing. ;D

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

MIND = BLOWN. You do not want to miss this movie, ya'll.

At the theater... Black Widow-esque, of course. ;)
First, about the movie-going experience... it ended up just me and my dad going to see Winter Soldier on Friday (yesterday), which was much fun. He's my "superhero movie buddy" because no one else in my family particularly likes those kind of movies. I generally have to force them to watch them.. ;D

But anyway, about the actual movie...

So, afterwards, I was literally shaking. Literally. It was that intense. In a good way of course! I just couldn't take it all in. During the movie, my emotions were all over the place. Shock, tears, laughter, and much armrest-gripping took place in those two hours. ;D

I won't spoil anything for those of you who haven't seen it yet -- I'll just say that this movie is a roller coaster ride from start to finish. You're constantly being shocked by plot twists and turns, wondering who is trustworthy, and sitting on the edge of your seat because of the insane action sequences -- which are, IMHO the best I've ever witnessed on screen.

Oh, and of course I stayed until the very end. Because every true Marvel fan knows it a no-no to leave before then!! And yes, there are TWO scenes -- one mid-credits, one post, just so you know... so don't leave early. ;)

So, like I said. GO SEE THE WINTER SOLDIER. And if you already have -- what'd you think??? :D

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Music Spotlight: "Winter Soldier" Soundtrack

I love music (as I'm sure most of us do;), so I've decided to start doing "Music Spotlight" posts, where I share with ya'll some of my favorite albums. And today's post is the first of them! :D

Anyway, for my first Music Spotlight I wanted to share my new go-to movie soundtrack, which was just released April 1st:

I love movie soundtracks, and Captain America: The Winter Soldier's didn't let me down! It is now the latest on my long list of favorites. ;)

I love the "epic" feel of the music, and the few more somber pieces as well. Henry Jackman, the composer, I think did a really great job on it. A few other Marvel movie soundtracks had, to me, the problem of being a bit bland, (i.e., The Avengers and the first Thor), but Winter Soldier isn't bland at all, and is, in fact, really enjoyable to listen to. ;)

One thing that struck me while listening to the soundtrack for the first time, was the use of harsh, electronic sounds in some of the music. (Especially notable in #6, "The Winter Soldier.") It provides an interesting contrast to the otherwise orchestral instrumentals -- and while I'm not too big a fan of it, I think it does sound rather cool. ;)

So, all around, Captain America: The Winter Soldier's soundtrack is a marvelously exciting album that has immediately become a favorite of mine. And I am quite excited to see how the music fits with the movie... :D

If you've listened to it yet, let me know in the comments which tracks are your favorite!

A couple of my own favs:

1 - Lemurian Star
7 - Fallen
9 - Taking a Stand
15 - Into the Fray
17 - End of the Line